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Re: Adding syllables to grace notes: confusing snippet

From: Trevor Daniels
Subject: Re: Adding syllables to grace notes: confusing snippet
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2011 00:08:16 -0000

Jean-Charles Malahieude wrote Sunday, January 09, 2011 6:54 PM

This subheading of vocal.itely states:

"By default, grace notes do not get assigned syllables when using
@code{\lyricsto}, but this behavior can be changed:"

The behavior uses \addlyrics, do you agree to instead have it contain:

  \new Voice = melody \relative c' {
    f4 \appoggiatura a32 b4
    \grace { f16[ a16] } b2
    \afterGrace b2 { f16[ a16] }
    \appoggiatura a32 b4
    \acciaccatura a8 b4
  \new Lyrics
  \lyricsto melody {
  \set includeGraceNotes = ##t
  gra -- ce case,
  after -- grace case,
  \set ignoreMelismata = ##t
  app. case,
  acc. case.

Definitely better, although the indentation could be improved.
It would be good to add an index entry or two as well.


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