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Re: [tablatures] snippet "Slides in tablature", NR 2.4.1

From: Carl Sorensen
Subject: Re: [tablatures] snippet "Slides in tablature", NR 2.4.1
Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2011 15:09:57 -0600

On 4/17/11 2:03 PM, "Federico Bruni" <address@hidden> wrote:
> However my question was about the whiteout property of TabNoteHead.
> IIRC, last year when I made a TabNoteHead transparent I could see a
> small white area in place of TabNoteHead, because the whiteout property
> of TabNoteHead was set to true by default (my blind guess).
> So I had to add \once \override TabNoteHead #'whiteout = ##f  to my
> snippet.
> Now this happens no more, the override is no more needed. I guess that's
> because now the whiteout property is handled differently?
 I'm pretty sure that is true.  The TabNoteHead used to be a composite of
multiple stencils that then had whiteout added.  Now the TabNoteHead is a
single stencil, and if the head is transparent, no whiteout is drawn.



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