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Re: Issue 1620 in lilypond: Midi overflow with instrument changes

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: Issue 1620 in lilypond: Midi overflow with instrument changes
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 23:26:35 +0000

Comment #7 on issue 1620 by address@hidden: Midi overflow with instrument changes

(Oops, the warning from 2.12.3 is a false alarm; LilyPond starts with channel 1 for actual sounds, so wrapping around to channel 0 does not hurt the sound output.)

The attached file has a flute on one staff, and a second staff changing quickly through 16 other sounds, one at a time, at zero volume. We should hear two notes from the flute, with silence in between.

This example isolates the problem that we have lost a way to re-use a midi channel, as we would for instrument switches, which I am fairly confident is the root problem that bothered Haipeng.

        a.ly  1.2 KB

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