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Re: Issue 1647 in lilypond: MIDI skips note if the pitch is already soun

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: Issue 1647 in lilypond: MIDI skips note if the pitch is already sounding in the same channel
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2011 06:35:37 +0000

        Status: Fixed
        Labels: -Patch-review

Comment #10 on issue 1647 by address@hidden: MIDI skips note if the pitch is already sounding in the same channel

The generated midi file gives a continuous sound, effectively a single note.

Oh. That would indicate that the fix did *not* take effect. The idea was to have it sound as printed, with two notes.

The code in git sounds both notes. Version 2.15.2 should have this fix. Version 2.14 did not get the fix because this was not a critical issue.

  \new Staff {
    << {r8 g'4} \\ {g'4 r8} >>
  \layout {}

        1647.fixed.midi  141 bytes

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