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Re: Issue 1214 in lilypond: Cue notes to music that creates a sub-voice

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: Issue 1214 in lilypond: Cue notes to music that creates a sub-voice does not work
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2011 11:49:24 +0000

Comment #6 on issue 1214 by address@hidden: Cue notes to music that creates a sub-voice does not work

The problem here is that recording-group-emulate returns the list of contexts in reverse order, so the last created voice is returned as the first element of the list -- and the first element of the list is used for quoting...

I don't think it's easy to determine which voice to quote in this case. We only have the list of all contexts created by the expression, so maybe we can somehow extract the first Voice rather than implicitly assuming the the last created context will be the voice that should be quoted.

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