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Re: Issue 153 in lilypond: \once \set fails to restore previous setting

From: Dmytro O. Redchuk
Subject: Re: Issue 153 in lilypond: \once \set fails to restore previous setting
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2011 09:07:34 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

On Wed 06 Jul 2011, 14:00 -Eluze wrote:
> actually i don' feel like discussing time problems with the technical
> approach to \set properties. if Lilypond cannot do it then let's live with
> it and forget about \once \set in conjunction with fingeringOrientations or
> others.
> of course then the documentation should not mention the pointless
> possibility of using \once \set  - or are there other situations where it
> makes sense?
> also i'd like to come back to one point that nearly vanished during this
> discussion:
> it would be very practical if one could define fingeringOrientations per
> voice  (and not on the Score level). the advantage: if you once change the
> fingerin policy - e.g. from left to right - you can \unset this and
> automatically the Voice setting would be recovered - this is much easier
> than redefining the voice specific fingeringOrientations.
> can this be taken as a feature/enhancement request?
I've added 1744:

Now issue 153 already _is_ an enhancement request. May be, it appears invalid
after some (more or less possible) discussion.

Let's wait a bit.

Thank you!

  Dmytro O. Redchuk
  Bug Squad
                                         "Easy to use" is easy to say.
                                                       --Jeff Garbers

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