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Re: Inconsistent baseline-skip in markups with multi-rows commands

From: Phil Holmes
Subject: Re: Inconsistent baseline-skip in markups with multi-rows commands
Date: Sun, 14 Aug 2011 12:47:05 +0100

"Bertrand Bordage" <address@hidden> wrote in message news:address@hidden

In such examples, baseline-skip doesn't behave as expected:

#(set-default-paper-size "a9")
\markuplines {
 \justified-lines { a a a a a a a a a a a a }
 "a" }

I think this would be avoided if multi-rows commands were really creating a
new markup for each line instead of making a single markup.
A fix for this may probably require a lot of downstream changes.


Do you want this added as a bug to the tracker?

Phil Holmes
Bug Squad

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