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Re: Issue 1732 in lilypond: occasional segfault when compiling input/reg

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: Issue 1732 in lilypond: occasional segfault when compiling input/regression/midi/key-initial.ly
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2011 16:02:33 +0000

Comment #14 on issue 1732 by address@hidden: occasional segfault when compiling input/regression/midi/key-initial.ly

Backtrace from David for tablature-string-tunings.ly:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
Grob::internal_set_property (this=0x12, sym=0xb5f42740, v=0x12)
    at grob-property.cc:111
111                                    sym, v);
(gdb) bt
#0  Grob::internal_set_property (this=0x12, sym=0xb5f42740, v=0x12)
    at grob-property.cc:111
#1  0x082b10db in Engraver_dispatch_list::apply (this=0x8595fa8, gi=...)
    at translator-dispatch-list.cc:35
#2 0x080f20b9 in acknowledge_grobs (this=0x84e8308) at engraver-group.cc:129 #3 Engraver_group::acknowledge_grobs (this=0x84e8308) at engraver-group.cc:90
#4  0x080f25e8 in Engraver_group::do_announces (this=0x84e8308)
    at engraver-group.cc:178
#5  0x080f25cf in Engraver_group::do_announces (this=0x859a9c8)
    at engraver-group.cc:169
#6  0x08218961 in one_time_step (this=0x859a9c8) at score-engraver.cc:152
#7  Score_engraver::one_time_step_callback (self=0x859a9c8, ev=0xb7554540)
    at score-engraver.cc:145
#8  0x080e243a in Dispatcher::dispatch (this=0x859c7a0, sev=0xb7554540)
    at dispatcher.cc:152
#9  0x080d6e37 in Context::internal_send_stream_event (this=0x8587e2c,
    type=0xb71a40e0, origin=0x0, props=0xbfffbe58) at context.cc:460
#10 0x08117e24 in Global_context::run_iterator_on_me (this=0x8587dc8, iter=
    0x8587f90) at global-context.cc:169
#11 0x0811634c in ly_interpret_music_expression (mus=0x8587dc8, ctx=0xb7589a60)
    at global-context-scheme.cc:119
#12 0x08116af6 in ly_run_translator (mus=0xb75da3f0, output_def=0xb7589a60)
    at global-context-scheme.cc:146
#13 0x0821d9ae in Score::book_rendering (this=0x859c760, layoutbook=0x859c808,
    default_def=0x84b34e8) at score.cc:155
#14 0x080a5184 in Book::process_score (this=0x859c7d0, s=0xb75a3fb8,
    output_paper_book=0x84e9c40, layout=0x84b34e8) at book.cc:236

Okay, I revise my comment 13. It looks different. With that backtrace (notice this=0x12 in Grob::internal_set_property!) it rather looks like the Engraver_group::acknowledge_grobs has a Grob_info entry in the announce_infos_ list with an uninitialized value (or some wrong value, or something else has gone wrong there... But then, Engraver_group::acknowledge_grobs should have failed already in line 102...).

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