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Re: Issue 1635 in lilypond: clean up misleading warnings inwebsitebuild

From: Trevor Daniels
Subject: Re: Issue 1635 in lilypond: clean up misleading warnings inwebsitebuild
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2011 19:37:53 +0100

What required program are you asked to install? if it is fontforge, I run Ubuntu and had the same problem. Uninstall fontforge, compile it from source and you'll almost certainly solve the problem.

Could you elaborate a little on this for those
Ubuntu users who are less familiar with compiling
packages from source.  Where to find the source,
how to compile it, for example.

OK, I think I figured this out now.  (if there's an
easier way, please let us Unix illiterati know)

In Ubuntu:
Go to http://sourceforge.net/projects/fontforge/files/fontforge-source/
Click the 2010-05-01 version
In the download panel select Save File and click OK
This downloads the zipped source into ~/Downloads
Extract the archived source files
In a terminal window:
cd to ~/Downloads/fontforge-20100501
Type ./configure (takes a few minutes)
Type make (compiles the package - also takes quite a time)
Type make install (installs the package in usr/bin)
cd to lilypond-git
Type ./configure (should now find fontforge-20100501)

That's it!


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