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Re: Issue 1110 in lilypond: Wrong octave of repetition chord with \relat

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: Issue 1110 in lilypond: Wrong octave of repetition chord with \relative and #{ #} syntax
Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2011 12:07:55 +0000

Comment #18 on issue 1110 by address@hidden: Wrong octave of repetition chord with \relative and #{ #} syntax

While we are at it: what is the desired output of
\parallelMusic #'(A B) { <c e g>1 | <g c e> | q | q |}
\new Voice { << \relative c' \A \\ \relative c'' \B >> }
Constructs like that make me suspect that it might be a good idea to let q not record any pitches at all, and instead let the pitches get recorded and filled in later, when the music expression is getting passed to a context. Alternatively, prohibit q across voice changes.

If we do that, \relative does not need any special treatment.

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