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Re: Issue 2037 in lilypond: Patch: Bring argument processing of chord mu

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: Issue 2037 in lilypond: Patch: Bring argument processing of chord music functions in line with the rest
Date: Wed, 07 Dec 2011 08:26:02 +0000

        Status: Duplicate
        Labels: -Patch-needs_work
        Mergedinto: 2070

Comment #5 on issue 2037 by address@hidden: Patch: Bring argument processing of chord music functions in line with the rest

The problem analyzed in comment 3 is pretty fundamental to this approach. I don't see a reasonable way around it. Doing this right would appear to require the approach in issue 2070. The advantage of that approach would be that it is straightforward to understand and requires no special rules whatsoever for music functions as chord constituents.

The disadvantage is that it has a larger impact.

I don't have a Status properly reflecting abandoning an issue for another different one (after all, the issue is not invalid), so I am marking this (not quite correctly) as a duplicate of 2070.

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