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Issue 2181 in lilypond: inconsistent handling of lil ypond cmd with or w

From: lilypond
Subject: Issue 2181 in lilypond: inconsistent handling of lil ypond cmd with or without -h when LANG=… is not en
Date: Thu, 05 Jan 2012 21:27:00 +0000

Status: Accepted
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect

New issue 2181 by address@hidden: inconsistent handling of lilypond cmd with or without -h when LANG=… is not en

I confess I have no way to evaluate this issue, so I'm submitting it.

if you have defined a language with e.g. SET LANG=it you get different output
for the command

lilypond & lilypond -h

GNU LilyPond 2.15.23
Uso: lilypond [OPZIONE]... [FILE]...

Stampa partitura oppure crea MIDI da FILE.

LilyPond produce bella notazione musicale.
Per maggiori informazioni si veda http://lilypond.org

 -d, --define-default=SIMBOLO[=VALORE]   imposta l'opzione di Scheme
SIMBOLO a VALORE (predefinito: #t).
                                           Usare -dhelp per ottenere aiuto.
 -e, --evaluate=ESPRESSIONE              valuta il codice scheme
 -f, --formats=FORMATO                   scarica FORMATO,...  Anche come
opzioni separate:
     --pdf                               genera PDF (predefinito)
     --png                               genera PNG
     --ps                                genera PostScript
 -h, --help                              mostra questo messaggio di aiuto
ed esce
 -H, --header=CAMPO                      scrive il campo di intestazione
                                           file chiamato BASENAME.CAMPO
 -I, --include=DIR                       aggiunge DIRECTORY ai percorsi di
 -i, --init=FILE                         usa FILE come file di
 -l, --loglevel=LOGLEVEL                 print log messages according to
LOGLEVEL.  Possible values are:
                                           NONE, ERROR, WARNING, BASIC,
PROGRESS, INFO (default) and DEBUG.
 -o, --output=FILE                       scrive l'output su FILE (verrÃ
aggiunto un suffisso)
     --relocate                          trasferisce alla directory del
programma lilypond
 -s, --silent                            no progress, only error messages
(equivalent to loglevel=ERROR)
 -v, --version                           mostra il numero di versione ed
 -V, --verbose                           be verbose (equivalent to
 -w, --warranty                          mostra la garanzia e il copyright

Segnalare i bug in inglese attraverso

Usage: lilypond [OPTION]... FILE...

Typeset music and/or produce MIDI from FILE.

LilyPond produces beautiful music notation.
For more information, see http://lilypond.org

 -d, --define-default=SYM[=VAL]   set Scheme option SYM to VAL (default:
                                    Use -dhelp for help.
 -e, --evaluate=EXPR              evaluate scheme code
 -f, --formats=FORMATs            dump FORMAT,...  Also as separate
     --pdf                        generate PDF (default)
     --png                        generate PNG
     --ps                         generate PostScript
 -h, --help                       show this help and exit
 -H, --header=FIELD               dump header field FIELD to file
                                    named BASENAME.FIELD
 -I, --include=DIR                add DIR to search path
 -i, --init=FILE                  use FILE as init file
 -l, --loglevel=LOGLEVEL          print log messages according to LOGLEVEL.
Possible values are:
                                    NONE, ERROR, WARNING, BASIC, PROGRESS,
INFO (default) and DEBUG.
 -o, --output=FILE                write output to FILE (suffix will be
     --relocate                   relocate using directory of lilypond
 -s, --silent                     no progress, only error messages
(equivalent to loglevel=ERROR)
 -v, --version                    show version number and exit
 -V, --verbose                    be verbose (equivalent to loglevel=DEBUG)
 -w, --warranty                   show warranty and copyright

Report bugs via

fortunately when no parameter is used the active language setting is active!

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