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Issue 2257 in lilypond: reg-test beam-shortened-lengths.ly fails

From: lilypond
Subject: Issue 2257 in lilypond: reg-test beam-shortened-lengths.ly fails
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 04:29:54 +0000

Status: Accepted
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Critical Regression

New issue 2257 by address@hidden: reg-test beam-shortened-lengths.ly fails

texidoc="Beams in unnatural direction, have shortened stems, but do not look too short."
\relative c'{
  \override Beam #'skip-quanting = ##t
  f'4  f8[ f] }

Sometime between 2.14.2 (left) and 2.15.24 (right) the beams in this test lost their shortened stems, and got lengthened stems instead.

Removing the override removes the problem, so this bug is unlikely to affect any user's scores (and it makes one suspect that some code rearrangement has made skip-quanting skip too much code).

        2257.png  3.5 KB

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