% > I'm not top posting. % I'm trying to create a score for four voices SATB that uses AikenHeads (shaped % notes). When two parts on the same staff overlap on the same notes (for % example soprano and alto), it is customary to show the stems for the two parts % going different directions so each part realizes that it is to sing the % overlapping notes. % When I try to do this with LilyPond 2.14.2, % 1. The heads face in opposite directions, which obscures the shape of the head. % 2. I tried suppressing the Note Head for one of the parts (made it % transparent), however the stem does not meet the note head of the opposite part. % Example .ly code follows. It requires a bit of detail to demonstrate the % problem. I have a screen shot I can provide if that would help (but this % interface doesn't accept attachments). % The bass staff demonstrates #1, the treble staff demonstrates #2. % Thanks for any assistance \version "2.14.2" global = { \key a \major \time 4/4 \partial 4 \aikenHeads } ignoreCollide = \override NoteColumn #'ignore-collision = ##t sopranoNotesVerseOne = \relative c' { \global \stemUp cis8 d e e e e e4. fis8 fis e8 ~ e2 } altoNotesVerseOne = \relative c' { \global \new Voice { % \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t \aikenHeads \stemDown cis8 d } cis cis cis cis cis4. d8 d cis8 ~ cis2 } bassNotesVerseOne = \relative c { \global \stemDown cis8 d a a a a a4. a8 a a ~ a2 } tenorNotesVerseOne = \relative c' { \global \new Voice { % \ignoreCollide \aikenHeads \stemUp \aikenHeads \stemUp cis,8 d } a'8 a a a a4. a8 a a ~ a2 } trebleClef = \new Staff << \context Voice << \sopranoNotesVerseOne \altoNotesVerseOne >> >> bassClef = \new Staff << \clef bass \context Voice << \bassNotesVerseOne \tenorNotesVerseOne >> >> \score { << \trebleClef \bassClef >> \layout { } } % _______________________________________________ % bug-lilypond mailing list % address@hidden % https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-lilypond