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lilypond-book titles corrupted when exported to pdfs

From: Jesper Bengtson
Subject: lilypond-book titles corrupted when exported to pdfs
Date: Sat, 7 Jul 2012 13:35:54 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (http://gmane.org/)

> I'm not top posting.

Greetings dear Lillypond community.

I have problems using lilypond-book with the --pdf flag. I have changed the 
fonts of my entire document,and the title of the song is corrupted when
 using lilypond-book with the --pdf flag set. Without the --pdf flag set,
 everything works fine, except it doesn't export to pdf of course. The thing is 
I need the --pdf flag as I'm later going to use xelatex which really does not 
work well with eps-files.

I'm guessing that one of the problems is that I'm trying to use OSX fonts. 
However, this works fine for the ps-versions, put not for pdf. I've tried to 
the following example as minimal as I can and still get my point across 
(which requires scores and text). I have the following Lilypond file.

File test.ly
\version "2.14.2"
\header {
  title =  "Test"
  composer = "Composer: Me"
  poet = "Text: Me"
\paper {
myStaffSize = #20
#(define fonts
    (make-pango-font-tree "Chalkboard"
                          "Nimbus Sans"
                          "Luxi Mono"

     (/ myStaffSize 20)))
\score {
  \new Staff {
    \new Voice = "melody" {
      \relative c' {
        \key c \major
        \time 4/4
        c4 d e f
  \new Lyrics { 
    \lyricsto "melody" {
    \repeat unfold 2 {
      This is a test
If I write the command lilypond test.ly, Lilypond generates a pdf that 
looks exactly the way I want it to, with all fonts changed to the OSX 
Chalkboard font.

I also have the following lytex-file.

file test_book.lytex







If i don't use the --pdf flag, everything works fine.

lilypond-book -o out test_book.lytex; cd out; latex test_book.tex; 
dvips test_book.dvi; ps2pdf test_book.ps; mv test_book.pdf ../.

Here I create a ps-file, and convert it to a pdf. The resulting test_book.pdf 
looks exactly the way I want it.

However, if I instead use the --pdf flag and use the following command:

lilypond-book --pdf -o out test_book.lytex; cd out; pdflatex test_book.tex;
 mv test_book.pdf ../.

Then the title 'Test' of the test_book.pdf file is not in Chalkboard and its
 kerning is off. All other text is, however, correct.

Looking more closely at the eps-files that are generated and placed in the 
out-folder, things also seem a bit off. When I don't use the --pdf flag, then 
I can convert the eps-files to pdf-files using epspdf, and everything works. 
However, when the --pdf flag is used, the generated eps-files seem corrupted, 
I cannot open them and epspdf crashes. Looking at the pdf-files works, but
the eps-files seem broken.

I've tried finding work-arounds to make xelatex play nicely with eps-files, but 
I'm having problems there, and at the end, what it boils down to is that if the 
title of my music files were rendered correctly in pdfs that would be the 

I'm sorry if this is a bit verbose. I have tried to keep the example as small 
I could, and I was unable to find a similar query in the bug-tracker. Thank you
for your time, and thank you for a great product.

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