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Re: Clarifying documentation of advanced command-line options

From: James
Subject: Re: Clarifying documentation of advanced command-line options
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2012 19:21:22 +0000


On 16 December 2012 18:12, Paul Morris <address@hidden> wrote:
> Here is a suggestion for clarifying the documentation of advanced 
> command-line options, from a command-line beginner.
> http://www.lilypond.org/doc/v2.16/Documentation/usage/command_002dline-usage#advanced-command-line-options-for-lilypond
> I wanted to try SVG output, and after reading that page I was trying to use:
>   lilypond -dbackend='svg
> When the correct command is:
>   lilypond -dbackend=svg
> (I had to search and come across an old mailing list post to figure it out.)
> It seems that the documentation should not show the single quote since you do 
> not need it (and if you do include it things fail in rather baffling ways).  
> Why not just show \svg\ rather than \'svg\ ?
> This was particularly confusing because in the example given of
>   -dpoint-and-click=#f
> you use exactly #f as it is shown in the table of options, which suggests 
> that you would need to use exactly 'svg rather than svg.
> So another suggestion is to show an example with the full text command that 
> you would enter, like "lilypond -dbackend=svg"  (or at least "-dbackend=svg")
> Overall, I think these kinds of examples would help the command-line 
> documentation in general.  It's much easier for a beginner like myself to see 
> an example of what to do than to try and decipher things like the following 
> without one:
>   lilypond [option]… file…
>   -d[option-name]=[value],--define-default=[option-name]=[value]
> Thanks for considering these.  I imagine I am not the only one making a first 
> foray into the command-line with LilyPond, and these kinds of clarifications 
> should help us out.
> -Paul

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