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Re: ugliness/issues with stanza shortVocalName

From: Colin Hall
Subject: Re: ugliness/issues with stanza shortVocalName
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2013 10:00:18 +0000
User-agent: mu4e; emacs 24.2.1

Eluze writes:

> with the following code 
> \version "2.17.4" 
> \paper { line-width = #30 indent=0 ragged-right=##f}
> melody = \relative \repeat unfold 3 { c1 \break }
> verseone = \lyricmode {
>   \set stanza = \markup \with-color #cyan "1."
>   \set shortVocalName = #"short 1"
>   _ one one
> }
> versetwo = \lyricmode {
>   \set stanza = "2."
>   \set shortVocalName = \markup \with-color #red "short 2"
>   two 
>   \markup \with-color #green 
>   twooooooo _
> }
> \score {
>   <<
>     \new Staff \melody
>     \addlyrics \verseone
>     \addlyrics \versetwo
>   >>
> }
> you get  testx.png
> <http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/file/n142735/testx.png>  

Thanks for the report, Eluze. I had a look at that png and compared it
with your comments.

> 1 - in the first system, the stanza of verseone is printed but shifted
> vertically because it fits between the clef and the first note and there is
> no lyric text (imo the stanza should be ommitted here like the
> shortVocalName of versetwo in the 3rd system - that seems to be the correct
> way)
> 2 - the shortVocalName of versetwo collides with the barnumber of the 3rd
> system
> 3 - for some reason the text of versetwo is not centered on the note

I could not see a second stanza in your png. I think the second stanza
of the third example has been cropped off the preview, perhaps?

> bug squad: should we raise 3 trackers or is it better to keep them
> together!?

Just one tracker for now. The devs can break it out as they see fit.

Colin Hall
Bug squad

Colin Hall

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