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Re: Incomplete processing of line breaks.

From: David Kastrup
Subject: Re: Incomplete processing of line breaks.
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 17:58:54 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3.50 (gnu/linux)

Amreg <address@hidden> writes:

> 1) Consider the (very common) situation of a contemporary song,
> starting with some intro measures followed by the first verse (and as
> such, this verse is included in a global repeat that encompasses both
> the verses and the chorus, but does *not* encompass the intro).
> Usually, the end of the intro is marked with a double-bar (this is
> logical, because the intro and the verse are different "sections" of
> the piece, and that's precisely just *why* double-bars exist).
> And, except for very short intros, the intro takes the first line of
> the score, and the verse starts the second line.
> Logically, such a situation should be coded as follows:
> {
>   % Intro (some measures)
>   c1 c c c | \bar "||" % double-bar to mark intro end
>   \break % to enforce a break between intro and verse
>   % Song beginning (verse, ...), starting with a repeat
>   \repeat volta 2 { e e e e }
> }
> (Note: I used a manual break above to keep this example minimal, but
> the same happens with an automatic break when the intro measures are
> populated enough to spread over the whole score line.)
> Obviously a workaround is to *manually* force a repeat bar at the
> beginning of measure 5 (with a '\bar "|:"' instruction),

Doesn't work.  You can't have more than one bar type on one time step.
But you can have a complex bar type like \bar "||:" that will break into
suitable pieces at a line end.  It's spelled differently in 2.17
I think.

David Kastrup

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