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Re: NR 2.1.1: Lyric Tie and other languages

From: James Lowe
Subject: Re: NR 2.1.1: Lyric Tie and other languages
Date: Wed, 06 May 2015 08:06:32 +0100
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On 06/05/15 00:01, Simon Albrecht wrote:
> Hello,
> <http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.18/Documentation/notation/common-notation-for-vocal-music#multiple-syllables-to-one-note>
> has an example covering the use of LyricTie with Italian text. Using the
> same feature with German text (and probably other languages too), or
> more accurately, with multiple syllables of the same word, requires
> overriding word-space, so I suggest to add the following after the
> current example (i.e. after line 611/12 in vocal.itely, unless I’m
> mistaken):
> "
> If the syllables belong to one word, it is necessary to override
> word space.
> @lilypond[quote,ragged-right,verbatim,relative=2]
> <<
>   {
>     \cadenzaOn
>     a4 a g c b8[( a]) b4 a2 \breathe
>     \bar "" \break
>     a4 c d4. c8 d4 e c2
>   }
>   \addlyrics {
>     Er ging aus der Kam -- mer sein,
>     dem
>     \markup \override #'(word-space . 0)
>     \tied-lyric #"kö~nig" -- li -- chen
>     Saal so rein,
>   }
> @end lilypond
> "
> Best regards, Simon
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> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-lilypond

Thanks Simon, is there any reason

1. We require the \cadenzaOn (for the sake of simplifying the example as
much as possible in the doc

2. Is it *always* necessary to override the word space in the case of
when syllables belong to one word or is this

i. a specific type of case
ii, are there any other ways to do this without using an '\override'
(again for the sake of a more complete explanation and perhaps
additional example)



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