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Re: long dynamic strings displace low notes

From: Thomas Morley
Subject: Re: long dynamic strings displace low notes
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2016 11:09:44 +0200

2016-04-26 10:53 GMT+02:00 Phil Holmes <address@hidden>:
> Why do you say that expected behaviour is to force the dynamic down?  Moving
> the note is potentially equally valid behavior, depending on the
> typesetter's preference.

It's clearly a bug. See this small (not tiny) example plus comments
from my earlier post at

%% Following note is moved away by DynamicText
%% Bad behaviour goes away if the second note has no Accidental
%% or \voiceTwo is used
%% or if \new StaffGroup is deleted or replaced by \new ChoirStaff
%% \new GrandStaff does not work as well, though
%% Worked fine with "2.18.2"

\version "2.19.38"

music = {
    %% bad:
    g'8(\ppppp f'!) s2.
    %% good:
    %g'8(\ppppp f'!) s2.

\new StaffGroup
  \new Staff \music

%% Not required to trigger bad behaviour
%% Better visible, though
\layout { \override DynamicText.self-alignment-X = #LEFT }

Otoh, it _is_ a possible preference to move the note, yes. But current
behaviour is simply buggy and not predictable.


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