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Vertical spacing titles and highest staff in LilyPond version 2.18.2.

From: Mirosław Doroszewski
Subject: Vertical spacing titles and highest staff in LilyPond version 2.18.2.
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2016 20:40:42 +0100

\version "2.18.2"
\include "deutsch.ly"

Vertical spacing titles and highest staff in LilyPond version 2.18.2.

1. Only setting "title" in \header block is OK: when is set alone
(without any other titles), necessary additional space between "title"
and highest staff is automatically calculated.
2. But when number of titles are more than 1 (i.e.: "title" and
"subtitle"; "title", "subtitle" and "subsubtitle"; "title and
"composer" with eventual "poet"), then necessary additional space
between lowest title and highest staff are not automatically
3. There is one more thing: when titles are set with "composer" and
eventually with "poet", then it is needed to automatically calculate
additional space between higher title ("title", "subtitle" or
"subsubtitle") and "composer" (with eventual "poet").
4. My solution is not calculated automatically: putting additional
space a) with \vspace into "composer" and/or "poet" into every
documents separately, b) with increasing padding in
markup-system-spacing into template added with \include.
5. So, please, make solution: automatical calculation of putting
necessary space, not only like in "title" alone but also:
a) between "subtitle" or "subsubtitle" and highest staff,
b) between "title" or "subtitle" or "subsubtitle" and "composer" and/or "poet".
6. Of course make this solution with other titles ("dedication",
"meter", "arranger, etc.), if necessary.
7. My advice is to make not only automatic calculation but also custom setting.
8. To e-mail 2 files attached.

t = { \bar "" }

\paper {
        #(set-paper-size "a6" 'portrait)
        indent = 0\mm
        ragged-bottom = ##t
        ragged-last-bottom = ##t
        top-margin = 1 \cm
        bottom-margin = 1 \cm
        line-width = 8.8 \cm
        tagline = ##f
        print-all-headers = ##t
        markup-system-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 5) (padding . 1)
(stretchability . 30))
#(set-global-staff-size 12.0)

\score {
        \header {
                title = \markup { \abs-fontsize #11 "Title Title Title Title " }
                subtitle = \markup { \abs-fontsize #9.5 { \medium \italic 
Subtitle Subtitle Subtitle" } }
                subsubtitle = \markup { \abs-fontsize #9 \medium "Subsubtitle
Subsubtitle Subsubtitle" }
                poet = \markup { \vspace #1.5 \abs-fontsize #8.5 "Poet Poet 
Poet Poet Poet" }
                composer = \markup { \vspace #1.5 \abs-fontsize #8.5 "Composer
Composer Composer" }
                breakbefore = ##f
        \layout {
                \context { \Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
                ragged-last = ##f
        \relative c' {
                \transpose e d' {
                        \key e \minor
                        \time 1/8       
                        e8 \t e \t dis4 \t e \bar "'" e8 \t e \t dis4 \t e \bar 
                        g8 \t g \t g4 \t fis8 \t e \t fis4 \t fis \bar "'"
                        fis8 \t fis \t g \t e \t dis!4 \t e \bar ":|.|:"
                        \bar ":|.|:"
                        e8 \t fis \t g \t g \t g \t g \t g \t fis \t e \t fis4 
\t fis \bar "'"
                        fis \t g8[ \t fis] \t e \t dis!4 \t e \bar ":|.|:"
                        \bar ":|.|:"
                        e8[ \t fis] \t g \t g \t g \t g \t g \t fis \t e \t 
fis4 \t fis \bar "'"
                        fis8 \t fis \t g[ \t fis] \t e \t dis!4 \t e \bar ":|."
        \addlyrics {
                Świę- ty Bo- że, Świę- ty moc- ny,
                Świę- ty, a nie- śmier- tel- ny,
                zmi- łuj się nad na- mi!
                Od po- wie- trza, gło- du, o- gnia i woj- ny
                wy- baw nas, Pa- nie!
                Od na- głej, a nie- spo- dzia- nej, śmier- ci
                za- cho- waj nas, Pa- nie!

Attachment: Vertical spacing titles and highest staff - default settings.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: Vertical spacing titles and highest staff - solution.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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