\version "2.18.2" %Parts that should be quoted stimmeI = \relative d'' { d1 | c1 } stimmeII = \relative g' { g1 | a1 } \addQuote "stI" { \stimmeI } \addQuote "stII" \stimmeII %Parts, where the first note is not quoted, % the second is quoted from above instrumentI = \relative b' { b1 | \quoteDuring #"stI" { s1 } } instrumentII = \relative f' { f1 | \quoteDuring #"stII" { s1 } } % \partcombine works how it should for the parts without quotes. \score { \partcombine \stimmeI \stimmeII } % quoting works how it should, when not using partcombine. \score { \new Staff << \instrumentI \\ \instrumentII >> } % quoting for part I doesn't work when using \partcombine: % (in more complex examples even both parts are missing). \score { \partcombine \instrumentI \instrumentII }