\version "2.19.82" % automatically converted by musicxml2ly from jafanosumu.xml \pointAndClickOff \header { encodingsoftware = "MuseScore 2.3.2" encodingdate = "2018-08-24" title = Testing } #(set-global-staff-size 20.1587428571) \paper { paper-width = 21.01\cm paper-height = 29.69\cm top-margin = 1.0\cm bottom-margin = 2.0\cm left-margin = 1.0\cm right-margin = 1.0\cm indent = 1.61615384615\cm short-indent = 1.29292307692\cm } \layout { \context { \Score autoBeaming = ##f } } PartPOneVoiceOne = \relative c' { \clef "treble" \key c \major \numericTimeSignature\time 4/4 | % 1 \tempo 4=80 ^\markup{ \bold {Moderato} } | % 1 \stemUp c4 _\f \stemUp e4 \stemUp g4 \stemDown c4 | % 2 \mark \markup { \box { A } } _\markup{ \italic {sempre forte} } | % 2 \stemDown e4 \stemDown c4 \stemUp g2 \breathe ^\markup{ \italic {rit.} } | % 3 \stemUp c,4 r4 r2 \bar "|." } % The score definition \score { << \new Staff << \set Staff.instrumentName = "Piano" \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "Pno." \context Staff << \mergeDifferentlyDottedOn\mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn \context Voice = "PartPOneVoiceOne" { \PartPOneVoiceOne } >> >> >> \layout {} % To create MIDI output, uncomment the following line: % \midi {\tempo 4 = 79.9998 } }