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Re: Completion_heads_engraver doesn't play nicely with lyric alignment

From: Alexander Kobel
Subject: Re: Completion_heads_engraver doesn't play nicely with lyric alignment
Date: Tue, 21 May 2019 18:37:54 +0200
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Some more investigation:

in Lyric_engraver::process_music, the LyricText's self-alignment-X is set according to lyricMelismaAlignment. If I add a separate check for completionBusy there, things change:


  if (last_text_
      && voice
      && (to_boolean (voice->get_property ("melismaBusy"))
          /* the following is new */
          || to_boolean (voice->get_property ("completionBusy")))
      && !to_boolean (context ()->get_property ("ignoreMelismata")))
    last_text_->set_property ("self-alignment-X",
                              get_property ("lyricMelismaAlignment"));


1.) I don't know why this changes anything at all - completionBusy is in the default list of melismaBusyProperties, and I assume that means it *should* be acknowledged by default anyways. Cause apparently, the single "melismaBusy" captures all other properties from that list, including Ties, Slurs, and explicit melisma?

2.) The modified variant is too eager: it also left-aligns non-splitted notes if there are more fine-grained events in a different voice:

\version "2.19.82"

\paper { ragged-last = ##f }

\score {
    { c'4 c'4 c'4 c'4 c'4 c'4 c'2 }
    { c'4 c'4 c'4 c'4 c'2 c'2 }
    \addlyrics { These should all be center-aligned. __ Right? }

\score {
    { c'4 c'4 c'4 c'4 c'4 c'4 c'2 }
    { c'4 c'4 c'4 c'4 c'2 c'2 }
    \addlyrics { These should all be center-aligned. __ Right? }
   \layout {
     \context {
       \remove Note_heads_engraver
       \consists Completion_heads_engraver

gives the attached output with the above change in lyric-engraver.cc. So apparently, completionBusy is set because when encountering the first half note, it's not yet clear whether the note *might* be split later on, and that decision is only taken on the moment which doesn't have anything to do with this voice. In other words, completionBusy tells whether the Completion_heads_engraver is running behind the scenes, not whether it actually changes anything.

But in that case, completionBusy should not belong to the melismaBusyProperties?

Something's fishy here, AFAICS...


On 20.05.19 13:58, Alexander Kobel wrote:
Hi all,

I'd expect the two scores in the following excerpt to be identical, alas they aren't: Notes splitted into tied notes by the Completion_heads_engraver produce melismata as expected, but don't cause the Lyrics to be left-aligned accordingly. (See the attached output.)

\version "2.19.82"

\paper { ragged-last = ##f }

\score {
   { c'4 c'4 c'4 c'4~ c'4 }
   \addlyrics { This should be left-aligned. __ }

\score {
   { c'4 c'4 c'4 c'2 }
   \addlyrics { This should be left-aligned. __ }
   \layout {
     \context {
       \remove Note_heads_engraver
       \consists Completion_heads_engraver

Unfortunately, this seems to imply that there is no easy/clean way to produce a Mensurstriche layout and a "standard" layout with splitted notes from the same source. In case this is a known (but, in this case, AFAICS undocumented) flaw, or unlikely to have an easy fix: I'd be happy to hear about an workaround for same-source ditions, if someone has one in mind.


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