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Re: Bug#214592: dry-run of double-colon rules?

From: Paul D. Smith
Subject: Re: Bug#214592: dry-run of double-colon rules?
Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2004 17:27:20 -0500

%% Manoj Srivastava <address@hidden> writes:

  ms> In some cases, GNU make ignores some double-colon rules when dry-run.

  ms> Assumed this Makefile is given

  ms>  install.man:: foo.1
  ms>    @echo install foo.1

  ms>  install.man:: foo.2
  ms>    @echo install foo.2

  ms>  install.man::
  ms>    @echo install done

  ms> I've got the following results

  ms>  % make -n install.man
  ms>  echo install foo.1
  ms>  echo install done

  ms> I expect "echo install foo.2", but make dry-run shows not to
  ms> run "install foo.2".
  ms> However, if I run make actually

  ms>  % make install.man
  ms>  install foo.1
  ms>  install foo.2
  ms>  install done

  ms> "install foo.2" is executed.  Is this an intentional behavior or a
  ms> bug of GNU make?

It is intentional behavior.  When GNU make runs with -n it must assume
that your command script does what you say it will do: since it doesn't
run the script itself it can't know what the script _really_ does.

For a rule like this:

    install.man:: foo.1
            <some script>

GNU make _must_ assume that <some script> updates the target
"install.man"... how can it know that it really doesn't?

So, when you run with -n it assumes that the target is now updated,
which automatically makes it newer than "foo.2", so the rule depending
on "foo.2" does not get run.

The last install.man rule is run because there is a special condition
for double-colon rules, that if they have no prerequisites the command
is run even if the target exists (see the section "Double-Colon Rules"
in the GNU make manual).

However, double-colon rules that _DO_ have prerequisites are only
invoked if the prerequisites are newer than the target, just as with
normal rules.

You can see the behavior "make -n" is emulating without using -n if you
have your scripts actually create the target your makefile says it will:

  install.man:: foo.1
        @echo install foo.1
        touch $@
  install.man:: foo.2
         @echo install foo.2
        touch $@
         @echo install done
        touch $@

  $ make -n
  install foo.1
  install done

  $ make
  install foo.1
  install done

  ms> Note that pmake run as I expected

  ms>  % pmake -n install.man
  ms>  echo install foo.1
  ms>  echo install foo.2
  ms>  echo install done

Most likely pmake behaves differently; it may always run all
double-colon scripts, even if there's a satisfied prerequisite

Try the above makefile with the touch lines in it: does it run all three
rules even though the touch lines exist?

 Paul D. Smith <address@hidden>          Find some GNU make tips at:
 http://www.gnu.org                      http://make.paulandlesley.org
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist

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