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Re: 'How makefiles are remade'

From: Jim
Subject: Re: 'How makefiles are remade'
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 11:55:52 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.5 (Windows/20040207)

Noel Yap wrote:

I've done what the documentation describes many, many times. It's always worked for me.

Which make are you using?  Are you sure it's GNU make?

3.80 positive it is gnu make.

http://make.paulandlesley.org/autodep.html provides more examples on how to rebuild included makefiles.


Jim wrote:


"After all makefiles have been checked, if any have actually been changed, make starts with a clean slate and reads all the makefiles over again. (It will also attempt to update each of them over again, but normally this will not change them again, since they are already up to date.)"

This doesn't work. I actually have to call Make myself to restart it, but then I MUST kill make also by using /bin/false. This then error results all makes and is really a very unclean way of making make exit.

Two things...

1> it would be nice if there was a $(REMAKE) or something which could forcably invoke - remove all makefiles, and reload them, or a $(EXIT) which would cause make to end its execution.

2> The following makefile doesn't really work right.... the 'y' makefile is built using 'x's which were read at include time, even if 'x' itself is updated...

The attached source 'echoto' program just gathers command line parameters and echos them into a file. If a -c option is used it writes a tab character... I needed this cause I couldn't figure out how to do...

@echo '<tab>@echo <tab>hey we made it >>y' >> x

the second tab in there kept going away...

The normal steps this Makefile executes...

Might have to handbuild echoto...

    build echoto if it doesn't already exist.

include x
x:Makefile (and a couple extra files to touch)
    if makefile has changed, rebuild x...
    content of x:
        include y
        y: x Makefile (extra)
            echo fakeall: >y
            echo \t echo hey we made it: <TICKS>
<TICKS> is a value read by the main makefile, and is built written verbatim expanded into X, which causes an update to TICKS= to rebuild Y with the appropriate value.

include ticks
ticks: Makefile (extra touchable flies)
    echo TICKS=(roman numerate next tick) >> ticks
    echo Current Tick: $(TICK)

So, if makefile or one of the extra files (bob, dillon for the two I chose) is changed, ticks is incremented, it's new value is output into ticks, and the current value is printed.

The first pass, include for ticks and x fail to get included (they do not exist), ticks is created, and a new value for TICKS is created. (It is not reloaded at this point) then X is created with the current blank value for TICKS, which in turn creates y with the current rules for x.

(touch Makefile)

ticks is updated (prints the prior value, writes the current), x is updated, using the prior value of TICKS (again, not the newly computed value), then Y is updated using the prior rules for x, not the newly output ones. [ TICKS=II, x echos "we made it: I" > y, y still has 'we made it: <blank'

(touch Makefile)

ticks is updated, x is updated using the originally loaded ticks, and y is created using the originally loaded x, not the one which gets updated after ticks is updated...

This is a log of the state of the system after the second touch is done.

Prior Ticks : II    (echos prior value)
hey we made it:I    (is created from x, and reflects that value)

M:\tmp\makemake>type ticks
TICKS=III (TICKS really was updated to III, since prior was II that's okay)

M:\tmp\makemake>type x
include y
y: x bob
        @echo fakeall: >y
@./echoto -c y @echo hey we made it:II (this is prior TICKS, not curent TICKS which is defined in the ticks file)

M:\tmp\makemake>type y
@echo hey we made it:I (this is the prior prior TICKS from two touches ago)


#include <stdio.h>

int main( int argc, char **argv )
    int n;
   int iscmd = 0;
   char cmd[8192];
    if( argc < 2 )
        printf( "usage: echoto [-x] <output> <command line.....>\n" );
        printf( "usage:    c : prefix with a tab character..\n" );
        return 1;
    n = 1;
    while( argv[n][0] == '-' )
        int c = 1;
      while( argv[n] && argv[n][c] ) switch( argv[n][c] )
        case 'c':
        case 'C':
            iscmd = 1;
            printf( "Unknown option: %c\n", argv[n][c] );
      int ofs = 0;
        FILE *out = fopen( argv[n], "at+" );
        if( !out )
            out =fopen( argv[n], "wt" );
        if( !out )
            printf( "echoto: Failed to open %s for output\n", argv[n] );
            return 1;
        if( iscmd )
         fprintf( out, "\t" );
        for( n++; n < argc; n++ )
            fprintf( out, "%s ", argv[n] );
      fprintf( out, "\n" );
        fclose( out );
   return 0;


ifdef __LINUX__

# need this if $(REMAKE) cause /bin/false deletes this...

#$(warning remake will be: $(MAKE) -s -C $(CURDIR) -f $(MAKEFILE) $(MAKECMDGOALS)) define REMAKE @--$(QUIETCMD)$(MAKE) -s -C $(CURDIR) -f $(MAKEFILE) $(MAKECMDGOALS)

.PHONY: fakeall all

fakeall: all

#echoto: echoto.c
#    @gcc -o $@ $<
include ticks

ticks: Makefile bob dillon
@echo TICKS=$(patsubst %ILI,%L,$(patsubst %XXXXIX,%IL,$(patsubst %IXI,%X,$(patsubst %VIV,%IX,$(patsubst %IVI,%V,$(patsubst %IIII,%IV,$(TICKS)I))))))>ticks
    @echo Prior Ticks : $(TICKS)

#    $(REMAKE)

include x

bob dillon:     @echo . >$@;

x:Makefile bob dillon     @echo include y >x
    @echo y: $@ $? >>x
@echoto -c x @echo fakeall: \>y @echoto -c x @./echoto -c y @echo hey we made it:$(TICKS)

#    @echo '    $$(REMAKE)' >>x
#    $(REMAKE)

Makefile: ;


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