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[bug #56764] Different behavior of printf command executed from Makefile

From: Martin Dorey
Subject: [bug #56764] Different behavior of printf command executed from Makefile and from shell.
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2019 20:23:34 -0400 (EDT)
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.100 Safari/537.36

Follow-up Comment #1, bug #56764 (project make):

I get similar, but that's because my login shell is /bin/bash:

martind@swiftboat:~$ getent passwd martind | cut -f7 -d:

... while:

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Nov  8  2014 /bin/sh -> dash

Make will default to using /bin/sh:

martind@swiftboat:~$ /bin/sh -c "printf '\x00\x00\x8f\x60' | hexdump -C"
00000000  5c 78 30 30 5c 78 30 30  5c 78 38 66 5c 78 36 30 
martind@swiftboat:~$ /bin/bash -c "printf '\x00\x00\x8f\x60' | hexdump -C"
00000000  00 00 8f 60                                       |...`|

I'm mildly surprised that I haven't resorted to adding:

SHELL = /bin/bash

... to my makefiles.


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