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Re: What is a "mes-compatible" Scheme?

From: Sage Gerard
Subject: Re: What is a "mes-compatible" Scheme?
Date: Mon, 06 Sep 2021 21:52:00 +0000

I am trying to build an auditable OS like Guix system does. I wrote a more generalized dependency management model called Xiden that offers many of the same benefits as Guix, but differs in some ways.

I use Guix System to indirectly adopt the benefits of Mes for now, but I would prefer to build directly on top of Mes to learn more about GNU/Linux and OS Dev. I simply prefer a Racket/Xiden stack, and getting them working on top of an auditable binary seed would be fantastic practice for my education. If you can help me use Mes to learn in this way, then I'll find a way to make it easier for others to do the same. My hope is that this will create more channels for you to recruit volunteers, since I think Mes can become a component in more operating system projects.

Could you please point me to some prerequisite reading that the manual does not already make clear? I still don't quite understand how control moves from stage0 to Mes, or from Mes to a higher level technology. Once I get an idea, I should end up more self-sufficient.

Thank you for Mes. It's fascinating work.

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-------- Original Message --------
On Sep 6, 2021, 6:09 AM, Jan Nieuwenhuizen < janneke@gnu.org> wrote:

Sage Gerard writes:


> I'm researching the scope of work required to use Racket instead of
> Guile for Mes.

Ah, that may be not so straightforward. Note that Guile is only needed
and used during development. For a bootstrap build, Guile is not

What use case do you have in mind for Racket?

> What specifically is a "mes-compatible Scheme"? That term does not
> appear again in the page.

A "mes-compatible" Scheme would be either a recent version of mes itself
(possibly pre-installed) or guile.

Currently, mes uses a "define-module" macro to ignore the guile module
system and uses a shadow include tree of "*.mes" files that use
"mes-use-module" commands, see e.g.


Also, mes uses a guile-compatibility module



Jan Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org> | GNU LilyPond http://lilypond.org
Freelance IT http://JoyofSource.com | Avatar® http://AvatarAcademy.com

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