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Re: is ncurses library reentrant?

From: Francesco Esposito
Subject: Re: is ncurses library reentrant?
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2007 15:21:20 +0100

I use wgetch to read a character from the window.. when the user don't write( within xx sec) I should to perform an automatic window refresh that include also clock update steps.
2007/2/13, Thomas Dickey <address@hidden>:
On Tue, 13 Feb 2007, G Hasse wrote:

> I understand why ncurses use getch but the problem is that this
> library call is over buffered input. Eg the operating system can
> decide when to deliver the charachter to the application.

hmm - which library call?  From the context it sounds as if you are
talking about getch().  But getch() is reading from input which has
been set to read in raw (or noncooked) mode.  Whether you use select,
getch() or whatever, the operating system of course decides when you can
have the character...

Thomas E. Dickey

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