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A suggestion for color handling on modern terminals

From: Tim Allen
Subject: A suggestion for color handling on modern terminals
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2007 11:51:51 +1000

According to the terminfo(5) manual page, the two main models for color handling in the Days of Yore were "arbitrary combinations of available foreground and background colors" ("Tektronix-like"), or "a limited number of definable foreground/background pairs". ("HP- like"). It's obviously easier to make a Tektronix-like terminal follow HP-like behaviour than the other way around, and this (I assume) is why the curses API presents HP-like operations which can be implemented on either Tektronix-like or HP-like terminals.

However, it also means that the value of "COLOR_PAIRS" in curses, and "pairs" in terminfo are lies. At least for the xterm variations I've looked at, "pairs" is set to "colors" squared, which is not strictly true: after you call use_default_colors(), -1 becomes available as a "color", and the theoretical number of pairs you could require is (colors + 1) squared.

For xterm-256color, "pairs" is an even bigger lie - although 256 squared is 65536, "pairs" is capped at 32767 even though curses.h seems to define COLOR_PAIRS as an int, which is more than capable of storing the number 65536 on modern hardware. (I assume "pairs" is capped in the terminfo database for binary backwards-compatibility reasons).

For most curses apps this isn't a problem - you can allocate color pairs for interface elements like "button", "menu", "text entry", etc. and probably never hit the 64-pair limit of xterm, let alone the limit of xterm-256color. But some curses applications can't easily predict in advance what colors they'll need; anything that tries to display character-cell graphics (like libcaca[1]), or for example tools like GNU Screen[2] that try to implement terminal emulation on a terminal. Since it's impossible to allocate enough color pairs to cover every possibility, such programs are forced to re-allocate color-pairs on the fly - and hope they'll never be asked to display more color pairs than they have at their disposal[3].

My suggestion is this: When ncurses initialises itself, queries terminfo and discovers that it's running on a Tektronix-like terminal (presumably, one that defines setaf/setab), it should recognise that "pairs" in the terminfo database is a lie, and set COLOR_PAIRS to (colors+1) squared rather than the contents of "pairs". Perhaps it should cap the new value to INT_MAX, just to be on the safe side.

I don't mind having a go at implementing this myself (it seems simple enough and might even be fun) but obviously I don't want to go ahead if people think it would be a bad idea.

[1]: http://libcaca.zoy.org/
[2]: http://www.gnu.org/software/screen/
[3]: While this might have been crazy-talk in the days of 80x24 terminals, I personally had a workstation at my last job with two 1600x1200 monitors in a 2400x1600 configuration. My favourite font Terminus' smallest legible size is 6x12 pixels, giving up to (2400*1600)/(6*12) ~= 53333 character cells visible at once; more than enough to overflow the 32768-color-pair limit.

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