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Parted 1.4.6

From: Andrew Clausen
Subject: Parted 1.4.6
Date: Sat, 06 Jan 2001 20:30:20 -0200

Hi all,

Changes: (since 1.4.5)
* msdos_partition_new() if there is no file system passed, sets the
to 0x83.  0 is a bad choice, because it means it isn't a partition. 
an even worse choice, because it will make msdos_probe() fail.
* "partition not aligned" workaround (similar to that in 1.2.x)
* uses dgettext (PACKAGE, ...) instead of gettext (...).  Updated API
to reflect this (for ped_partition_flag_get_name(), etc.)
* fixed brain-dead bug, dealing with min_geom in _primary_constraint()
in libparted/disk_dos.c
* fixed another bug (out-by-one, in _primary_constraint(), again)
* added bindtextdomain() to ped_init()
* removed that annoying "Parted's boot loader" message
* ped_file_system_probe() now attempts ped_file_system_open(), if there
is any ambiguouity
* mac_clobber() now nukes the partition map as well ;-)
* applied BSD disk label support patch (thanks Matt!)

Andrew Clausen

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