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Readline sometimes doesn't autocomplete until the next disambiguation

From: Martin Castillo
Subject: Readline sometimes doesn't autocomplete until the next disambiguation
Date: Sun, 25 Dec 2022 16:22:46 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/102.6.1


consider this folder:

$ mkdir -p "a b/c d e"
$ touch a\ b/c\ d\ e/10._{f,g}

$ ls a\ b/c\ d\ e/<TAB> or
$ ls a\ b/c\ d\ e/1<TAB>
changes the line to
$ ls a\ b/c\ d\ e/10._
as it should, but typing
$ ls a\ b/c\ d\ e/10<TAB>  or
$ ls a\ b/c\ d\ e/10.<TAB>
does not add further characters to the input line.

$ mv a\ b ab
$ ls ab/c\ d\ e/10<TAB> yields a partial completion, but
$ ls ab/c\ d\ e/10.<TAB> does not.

The path length seems to influence this bug. But I have no idea how to further reduce this problem. Renaming "c d e" to ccdde or cde makes this bug disappear.

I am using readline 8.2.001-1.

Martin Castillo

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