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[bug-serveez] tongs receipt

From: Michael Mcintosh
Subject: [bug-serveez] tongs receipt
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 13:10:46 -0500

21 Wherefore the prophet saithI the Lord thy God have calledthee in righteousness, and I willtake thee by thy hand, and willstrengthen thee, and give theefor a covenant of the people; for alight to the Gentiles. 15 Be every day better thanothers; consider the times, andexpect him, who is above all time,eternal; invisible, though for oursakes made visible: impalpable,and impassible, yet for ussubjected to sufferings; enduringall manner of ways for our salvation. 20 But how should we thusknow all this, and understand it?We, therefore, understandingaright the commandments, speakas the Lord would have us. 16 Let me have joy of you inall things. 20 But how should we thusknow all this, and understand it?We, therefore, understandingaright the commandments, speakas the Lord would have us. 3 Let us also love the prophets,forasmuch as they have led usto the Gospel, and to hope inChrist, and to expect him. 3 And even in the beginning ofthe creation he makes mention ofthe sabbath. Commends their bishop, whom they had sent unto him, warns them against division and schism. 18 It is better for a man to holdhis peace, and be; than to say, heis a Christian, and not to be. Then shaltnot take honour to thyself. If any one walks after any otheropinion, he agrees not with thepassion of Christ. 8 Love every one his brotherwith an unfeigned heart. 18 It will therefore become you. 9 I know both who I am, andto whom I write: I, a personcondemned; ye, such as haveobtained mercy; I, exposedto danger; ye confirmedagainst danger. 22 I salute your very worthybishop, and your venerable presbytery;and your deacons, my fellow-servants;and all of you in general, and everyone in particular, in the name ofJesus Christ, and in his flesh andblood; in his passion and resurrectionboth fleshly and spiritually; and inthe unity of God with you. Remember me, as Jesus Christ doesremember you. 9 Lay aside therefore the old andsour, and evil leaven; and be yechanged into the new leaven, whichis Jesus Christ. But it shall be built in the nameof the Lord. 2 Forasmuch as I have at lastobtained through my prayers toGod, permission to see your faces,which I much desired to do; beingbound in Jesus Christ, I hope erelong to salute you, if it shall bethe will of God to grant me toattain unto the end I long for. 19 Who for that very endwas prepared, that by his ownappearing he might redeem ourhearts, already devoured bydeath, and delivered over tothe irregularity of error,from darkness; and establisha covenant with us by his word. 7 May our Lord Jesus Christhonour them; in whom they hope,both in flesh, and soul, and spirit;in faith, in love, in unity. 1 Greets Polycarp on the peace of the church at Antioch: 2 and desires him to write to that and other churches. [The end of the Epistle of Barnabasthe Apostle, and fellow-travellerof St. 6 And teach ourselves first towalk according to the commandmentsof the Lord; and then your wivesto walk likewise according to thefaith that is given to them; incharity, and in purity; lovingtheir own husbands, with allsincerity, and all others alike,with all temperance; and to bring uptheir children in the instructionand fear of the Lord.

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