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Tar uses the deprecated 'gethostbyname' func

From: Lukas Javorsky
Subject: Tar uses the deprecated 'gethostbyname' func
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2022 15:02:57 +0100


I've been working on maintaining tar in all of our operating systems lately and one of our automated tests noticed that the tar is still using the old 'gethostbyname' function.

It's common for applications that use this function to switch to 'getaddrinfo'.

Are you already working on such a task, or is it even in consideration?

Thank you for the response.

S pozdravom/ Best regards

Lukáš Javorský

Software Engineer, Core service - Databases

Red Hat

Purkyňova 115 (TPB-C)

612 00 Brno - Královo Pole


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