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From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: texinfo.el
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2000 15:53:16 -0400

I recently committed changes to texinfo.el in Emacs' CVS repository
without realizing that this file was not maintained by the FSF.

I attach the corresponding patch below.
Could you tell me which part could stay, which part should be
reshaped and which part is "out of the question" ?


Add regexp for @ignore ... @end ignore.
(texinfo-heading-face): New face.
(texinfo-font-lock-keywords): Use it.
(texinfo-mode-menu): New menu.
(texinfo-inside-macro-p, texinfo-inside-env-p, texinfo-insert-quote):
New functions.
(texinfo-mode-map): Bind " to insert-quote and M-RET to address@hidden
(texinfo-section-types-regexp, texinfo-section-level-regexp)
(texinfo-subsection-level-regexp, texinfo-subsubsection-level-regexp):
Remove declaration.
(texinfo-show-structure): Use outline-regexp and texinfo-section-list.

Index: texinfo.el
RCS file: /cvs/emacs/lisp/textmodes/texinfo.el,v
retrieving revision 1.67
retrieving revision 1.70
diff -u -u -b -r1.67 -r1.70
--- texinfo.el  2000/09/25 11:16:43     1.67
+++ texinfo.el  2000/10/03 18:33:10     1.70
@@ -243,6 +243,27 @@
 ;;; Don't you dare insert any `require' calls at top level in this file--rms.
+(defvar texinfo-section-list
+  '(("top" 1)
+    ("majorheading" 1)
+    ("chapter" 2)
+    ("unnumbered" 2)
+    ("appendix" 2)
+    ("chapheading" 2)
+    ("section" 3)
+    ("unnumberedsec" 3)
+    ("appendixsec" 3)
+    ("heading" 3)
+    ("subsection" 4)
+    ("unnumberedsubsec" 4)
+    ("appendixsubsec" 4)
+    ("subheading" 4)
+    ("subsubsection" 5)
+    ("unnumberedsubsubsec" 5)
+    ("appendixsubsubsec" 5)
+    ("subsubheading" 5))
+  "Alist of sectioning commands and their relative level.")
 ;;; Syntax table
 (defvar texinfo-mode-syntax-table nil)
@@ -267,15 +288,21 @@
 (defvar texinfo-imenu-generic-expression
   '((nil "address@hidden \t]+\\([^,\n]*\\)" 1)
     ("Chapters" "address@hidden \t]+\\(.*\\)$" 1))
   "Imenu generic expression for TexInfo mode.  See 
 (defvar texinfo-font-lock-syntactic-keywords
-  '(("\\(@\\)c\\(omment\\)?\\>" (1 '(11))))
+  '(("\\(@\\)c\\(omment\\)?\\>" (1 '(11)))
+    ("^\\(@\\)ignore\\>" (1 '(2097163)))
+    ("address@hidden ignore\\(\n\\)" (1 '(2097164))))
   "Syntactic keywords to catch comment delimiters in `texinfo-mode'.")
+(defface texinfo-heading-face
+  '((t (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face)))
+  "Face used for section headings in `texinfo-mode'.")
+(defvar texinfo-heading-face 'texinfo-heading-face)
 (defvar texinfo-font-lock-keywords
-  '(;; All but the first had an OVERRIDE of t.
+  `(;; All but the first had an OVERRIDE of t.
     ;; It didn't seem to be any better, and it's slower--simon.
     ;; Robert J. Chassell <address@hidden> says remove this line.
     ;;("\\$\\([^$]*\\)\\$" 1 font-lock-string-face t)
@@ -287,30 +314,10 @@
      2 font-lock-variable-name-face)
     ("@\\(cite\\|[ux]?ref\\|pxref\\){\\([^}]+\\)" 2 font-lock-constant-face)
     ("@\\(end\\|itemx?\\) +\\(.+\\)" 2 font-lock-function-name-face keep)
-    )
+    (,(concat "^@" (regexp-opt (mapcar 'car texinfo-section-list) t)
+             ".*\n") 0 texinfo-heading-face t))
   "Additional expressions to highlight in TeXinfo mode.")
-(defvar texinfo-section-list
-  '(("top" 1)
-    ("majorheading" 1)
-    ("chapter" 2)
-    ("unnumbered" 2)
-    ("appendix" 2)
-    ("chapheading" 2)
-    ("section" 3)
-    ("unnumberedsec" 3)
-    ("appendixsec" 3)
-    ("heading" 3)
-    ("subsection" 4)
-    ("unnumberedsubsec" 4)
-    ("appendixsubsec" 4)
-    ("subheading" 4)
-    ("subsubsection" 5)
-    ("unnumberedsubsubsec" 5)
-    ("appendixsubsubsec" 5)
-    ("subsubheading" 5))
-  "Alist of sectioning commands and their relative level.")
 (defun texinfo-outline-level ()
   ;; Calculate level of current texinfo outline heading.
@@ -354,9 +361,7 @@
   ;; bindings for `texnfo-tex.el'
   (texinfo-define-common-keys texinfo-mode-map)
-  ;; Bindings from `tex-mode.el'
-  ;; This should still use " when inside @example and @code
-  ;;(define-key texinfo-mode-map "\"" 'tex-insert-quote)
+  (define-key texinfo-mode-map "\"" 'texinfo-insert-quote)
   ;; bindings for `makeinfo.el'
   (define-key texinfo-mode-map "\C-c\C-m\C-k" 'kill-compilation)
@@ -369,6 +374,9 @@
   (define-key texinfo-mode-map "\C-c\C-e\C-r"    'texinfo-format-region)
   (define-key texinfo-mode-map "\C-c\C-e\C-b"    'texinfo-format-buffer)
+  ;; AUCTeX-like bindings
+  (define-key texinfo-mode-map "\e\r"          'address@hidden)
   ;; bindings for updating nodes and menus
   (define-key texinfo-mode-map "\C-c\C-um"   'texinfo-master-menu)
@@ -407,6 +415,27 @@
   (define-key texinfo-mode-map "\C-c\C-cd"    'address@hidden)
   (define-key texinfo-mode-map "\C-c\C-cc"    'address@hidden))
+(easy-menu-define texinfo-mode-menu
+  texinfo-mode-map
+  "Menu used for `texinfo-mode'."
+  '("Texinfo"
+    ["Insert block"    texinfo-insert-block    t]
+    ;; ["Insert node"  address@hidden  t]
+    "----"
+    ["Update All"      (lambda () (interactive) (texinfo-master-menu t))
+     :keys "\\[universal-argument] \\[texinfo-master-menu]"]
+    ["Update every node" texinfo-every-node-update t]
+    ["Update node"     texinfo-update-node     t]
+    ["Make Master menu"        texinfo-master-menu     t]
+    ["Make menu"       texinfo-make-menu       t]
+    ["Update all menus"        texinfo-all-menus-update t]
+    "----"
+    ["Show structure"  texinfo-show-structure  t]
+    ["Format region"   texinfo-format-region   t]
+    ["Format buffer"   texinfo-format-buffer   t]
+    ["Makeinfo region" makeinfo-region         t]
+    ["Makeinfo buffer" makeinfo-buffer         t]))
 ;;; Texinfo mode
@@ -609,6 +638,39 @@
   (completing-read "Block name: " (mapcar 'list texinfo-environments))
   "@" str \n _ \n "@end " str \n)
+(defun texinfo-inside-macro-p (macro &optional bound)
+  "Non-nil if inside a macro matching the regexp MACRO."
+  (ignore-errors
+    (save-excursion
+      (save-restriction
+       (narrow-to-region bound (point))
+       (while (progn
+                (up-list -1)
+                (not (ignore-errors
+                       (save-excursion
+                         (backward-sexp 1)
+                         (looking-at macro))))))
+       t))))
+(defun texinfo-inside-env-p (env &optional bound)
+  "Non-nil if inside an environment matching the regexp @ENV."
+  (save-excursion
+    (and (re-search-backward (concat "@\\(end\\s +\\)?" env) bound t)
+        (looking-at (concat "@" env)))))
+(autoload 'tex-insert-quote "tex-mode" nil t)
+(defun texinfo-insert-quote (&optional arg)
+  "Insert the appropriate quote mark for TeXinfo.
+Inserts a plain \" if inside @code or @example, else inserts `` or ''
+by calling `tex-insert-quote'."
+  (interactive "*P")
+  (let ((top (or (save-excursion (re-search-backward "@node\\>" nil t))
+                (point-min))))
+    (if (or (texinfo-inside-env-p "example\\>" top)
+           (texinfo-inside-macro-p "@code\\>" top))
+       (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))
+      (tex-insert-quote arg))))
 ;; The following address@hidden command not only inserts a SPC
 ;; after the @end, but tries to find out what belongs there.  It is
 ;; not very smart: it does not understand nested lists.
@@ -771,12 +833,6 @@
 ;;; Texinfo file structure
-;; These are defined in texnfo-upd.el.  defvars here avoid warnings.
-(defvar texinfo-section-types-regexp)
-(defvar texinfo-section-level-regexp)
-(defvar texinfo-subsection-level-regexp)
-(defvar texinfo-subsubsection-level-regexp)
 (defun texinfo-show-structure (&optional nodes-too)
   "Show the structure of a Texinfo file.
 List the lines in the file that begin with the @-sign commands for
@@ -792,12 +848,11 @@
 to jump to the corresponding spot in the Texinfo source file."
   (interactive "P")
-  (require 'texnfo-upd)
     (goto-char (point-min))
     (if nodes-too
-        (occur (concat "\\(address@hidden)\\|" texinfo-section-types-regexp))
-      (occur texinfo-section-types-regexp)))
+        (occur (concat "address@hidden>\\|" outline-regexp))
+      (occur outline-regexp)))
   (pop-to-buffer "*Occur*")
   (goto-char (point-min))
   (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
@@ -805,41 +860,11 @@
     ;; Now format the "*Occur*" buffer to show the structure.
     ;; Thanks to address@hidden (Per Cederqvist)
     (goto-char (point-max))
-    (let ((margin 5))
-      (while (re-search-backward "^ *[0-9]*:" nil 0)
-       (re-search-forward ":")
-       (setq margin
-             (cond
-              ((looking-at
-                (concat "@\\(" texinfo-chapter-level-regexp "\\)")) 5)
-              ;; ((looking-at "@chapter ") 5)
-              ;; ((looking-at "@unnumbered ") 5)
-              ;; ((looking-at "@appendix ") 5)
-              ;; ((looking-at "@majorheading ") 5)
-              ;; ((looking-at "@chapheading ") 5)
-              ((looking-at
-                (concat "@\\(" texinfo-section-level-regexp "\\)")) 9)
-              ;; ((looking-at "@section ") 9)
-              ;; ((looking-at "@unnumberedsec ") 9)
-              ;; ((looking-at "@appendixsec ") 9)
-              ;; ((looking-at "@heading ") 9)
-              ((looking-at
-                (concat "@\\(" texinfo-subsection-level-regexp "\\)")) 13)
-              ;; ((looking-at "@subsection ") 13)
-              ;; ((looking-at "@unnumberedsubsec ") 13)
-              ;; ((looking-at "@appendixsubsec ") 13)
-              ;; ((looking-at "@subheading ") 13)
-              ((looking-at
-                (concat "@\\(" texinfo-subsubsection-level-regexp "\\)")) 17)
-              ;; ((looking-at "@subsubsection ") 17)
-              ;; ((looking-at "@unnumberedsubsubsec ") 17)
-              ;; ((looking-at "@appendixsubsubsec ") 17)
-              ;; ((looking-at "@subsubheading ") 17)
-              (t margin)))
-       (indent-to-column margin)
+    (let (level)
+      (while (re-search-backward "^ *[0-9]*:@\\(\\sw+\\)" nil 0)
+       (goto-char (1- (match-beginning 1)))
+       (setq level (or (cadr (assoc (match-string 1) texinfo-section-list)) 2))
+       (indent-to-column (+ (current-column) (* 4 (- level 2))))
 ;;; The  tex  and  print  function definitions:

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