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GNU info: bug: menu & iso-8859-2 chars problem

From: Mirsad Todorovac
Subject: GNU info: bug: menu & iso-8859-2 chars problem
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 17:08:46 +0100 (MET)

Dear people,

I happened to be translating GNU Pascal documentation from English to
Croatian, and I've ran into a bugin GNU texinfo system.

Arch: all tested
Ver: info 4.0, makeinfo 4.0

Description: when char 'c with caret' appeared in an menu item, all menu
items bellow it had selection "hotspots" shifted one line down (for
example, to select third menu item you had to put cursor on fourth and
press <ENTER>).

With some luck I've managed to reduce the problem to a 1.5 K example
that still reproduces a problem. (Exerpts from GPC manual that are
Copyright FSF anyway).

The texinfo source of the example and the generated info file are in the
attachment. Good luck in fixing the problem!


Mirsad Todorovac                                          address@hidden
CARNet, UNI-ZG, Croatia                                   address@hidden
"Secularism is the opiate of the people." -- Stephen Baars

Attachment: gpc.texi
Description: GNU texinfo source of the example

Attachment: gpc.info
Description: Generated info file

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