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bug report

From: istry
Subject: bug report
Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2002 00:17:20 +0300
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.5) Gecko/20011012

 Dear texinfo mantainer,

While building recent texinfo snapshot (4.0f) I faced installation errors. The problem appears if I build it in the separate from the source directory (say, obj/texinfo -- src/texinfo). The following trivial patch is both the description of and (quick) solution for the problem:

diff -Nur texinfo-4.0f.orig/doc/Makefile.am texinfo-4.0f/doc/Makefile.am
--- texinfo-4.0f.orig/doc/Makefile.am    Wed Sep 12 20:37:16 2001
+++ texinfo-4.0f/doc/Makefile.am    Thu Jan 24 15:21:04 2002
@@ -39,11 +39,11 @@
texmf_pdftex_misc = $(TEXMF)/pdftex/plain/misc
    test -n "$(TEXMF)" || (echo "TEXMF must be set." >&2; exit 1)
-    $(mkinstalldirs) $(texmf_texinfo) $(texmf_dvips)
-    $(INSTALL_DATA) texinfo.tex $(texmf_texinfo)/texinfo.tex
-    $(INSTALL_DATA) epsf.tex $(texmf_dvips)/epsf.tex
-    $(INSTALL_DATA) pdfcolor.tex $(texmf_pdftex_misc)/epsf.tex
-    for f in $(TXI_XLATE); do $(INSTALL_DATA) $$f $(texmf_texinfo)/$$f; \
+    $(mkinstalldirs) $(texmf_texinfo) $(texmf_dvips) $(texmf_pdftex_misc)
+    $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/texinfo.tex $(texmf_texinfo)/texinfo.tex
+    $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/epsf.tex $(texmf_dvips)/epsf.tex
+    $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/pdfcolor.tex $(texmf_pdftex_misc)/epsf.tex
+ for f in $(TXI_XLATE); do $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/$$f $(texmf_texinfo)/$$f; \

# Don't want to run help2man at every installation.

Another problem is specific to my country (Russia). File po/ru.po declares that it has KOI8-R encoding while actually encoding is WINDOWS-1251. The result is that texinfo displays garbage instead of Russian messages for all encodings but WINDOWS-1251. There are 2 obvious workarounds:
1) change declaration from KOI8-R to WINDOWS-1251
2) recode the file itself (mv ru.po ru.po.win && iconv -f WINDOWS-1251 -t KOI8-R ru.po.win > ru.po)

Which one is better/more correct? None. Actually, there is a legacy mess with encodings in Russian digital world. Most *nix users prefer koi8-r while all MS addicts know nothing but windows-1251. glibc believes that Russian is iso-8859-5 (nobody except Western vendors use it). And there are a lot of texts in DOS encoding (IBM866). In fact, most (~99%) of ru.po files shipped with GNU software are in koi8-r, so you
could follow this tradition.

sincerely yours,
Igor Strygin

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