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Re: [PATCH] Add accesskey attributes to html output.

From: Matthew Woodcraft
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Add accesskey attributes to html output.
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 00:06:34 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.27i

> Could this attribute make trouble with those browsers that don't support
> it?  Non-support is not a problem, unless it causes crashes, error
> messages, failure to display correctly, and other atrocities.  Could you,
> or someone else, test that with a variety of browsers?

Ok, I've done some tests, with the following results:

Browsers which supported accesskey:
- galeon 1.1.3
- mozilla 0.9.8

Browsers which ignored accesskey:
- gnome-help-browser
- konqueror 2.2.2
- lynx 2.8.4rel.1
- w3 4.0pre.2001.10.27 with emacs 21
- w3m

No browser changed its rendering. In each case, the version tested was
the one packaged by Debian.

In general, I don't think I've met a browser which responds to an
unknown attribute in any way other than ignoring it.


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