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Re: lowered/raised sections keep the same css class

From: Karl Berry
Subject: Re: lowered/raised sections keep the same css class
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 20:07:05 -0400

    When @lowersections and @raisesections is used, the css class for a
    sectionning element is only based on the sectionning command and not
    on the real level.

Thanks for the report, here's a patch (two files are affected).  I
suspect there may be more bugs in this area ...


*** sectioning.c        14 Jul 2003 13:20:18 -0000      1.11
--- sectioning.c        25 Jul 2003 00:02:24 -0000      1.12
*** 162,171 ****
    return -1;
! /* Return an integer which identifies the type section present in TEXT. */
! what_section (text)
       char *text;
    int index, j;
    char *temp;
--- 162,176 ----
    return -1;
! /* Return an integer which identifies the type of section present in
!    TEXT -- 1 for @top, 2 for chapters, ..., 5 for subsubsections (as
!    specified in section_alist).  We take into account any @lowersections
!    and @raisesections.  If SECNAME is non-NULL, also return the
!    corresponding section name.  */
! what_section (text, secname)
       char *text;
+      char **secname;
    int index, j;
    char *temp;
*** 205,211 ****
        if (return_val < 0)
          return_val = 0;
        else if (return_val > 5)
!           return_val = 5;
        return return_val;
    return -1;
--- 210,239 ----
        if (return_val < 0)
          return_val = 0;
        else if (return_val > 5)
!         return_val = 5;
!       if (secname)
!         {
!           int i;
!           int alist_size = sizeof (section_alist) / 
!           /* Find location of offset sectioning entry, but don't go off
!              either end of the array.  */
!           int index_offset = MAX (index - section_alist_offset, 0);
!           index_offset = MIN (index_offset, alist_size - 1);
!           /* Also make sure we don't go into the next "group" of
!              sectioning changes, e.g., change from an @appendix to an
!              @heading or some such.  */
! #define SIGN(expr) ((expr) < 0 ? -1 : 1)
!           for (i = index; i != index_offset; i -= SIGN (section_alist_offset))
!             {
!               /* As it happens, each group has unique .num/.toc values.  */
!               if (section_alist[i].num != section_alist[index_offset].num
!                   || section_alist[i].toc != section_alist[index_offset].toc)
!                 break;
!             }
!           *secname = section_alist[i].name;
!         }
        return return_val;
    return -1;
*** 215,235 ****
  sectioning_underscore (cmd)
       char *cmd;
    /* If we're not indenting the first paragraph, we shall make it behave
       like @noindent is called directly after the section heading. */
    if (! do_first_par_indent)
      cm_noindent ();
    if (xml)
-       char *temp;
-       int level;
-       temp = xmalloc (2 + strlen (cmd));
-       temp[0] = COMMAND_PREFIX;
-       strcpy (&temp[1], cmd);
-       level = what_section (temp);
-       level -= 2;
-       free (temp);
        xml_close_sections (level);
        /* Mark the beginning of the section
           If the next command is printindex, we will remove
--- 243,267 ----
  sectioning_underscore (cmd)
       char *cmd;
+   char *temp, *secname;
+   int level;
    /* If we're not indenting the first paragraph, we shall make it behave
       like @noindent is called directly after the section heading. */
    if (! do_first_par_indent)
      cm_noindent ();
+   temp = xmalloc (2 + strlen (cmd));
+   temp[0] = COMMAND_PREFIX;
+   strcpy (&temp[1], cmd);
+   level = what_section (temp, &secname);
+   level -= 2;
+   if (level < 0)
+     level = 0;
+   free (temp);
    if (xml)
        xml_close_sections (level);
        /* Mark the beginning of the section
           If the next command is printindex, we will remove
*** 237,280 ****
        flush_output ();
        xml_last_section_output_position = output_paragraph_offset;
!       xml_insert_element (xml_element (cmd), START);
        xml_insert_element (TITLE, START);
!       xml_open_section (level, cmd);
        get_rest_of_line (0, &temp);
        execute_string ("%s\n", temp);
        free (temp);
        xml_insert_element (TITLE, END);
!   char character;
!   char *temp;
!   int level;
!   temp = xmalloc (2 + strlen (cmd));
!   temp[0] = COMMAND_PREFIX;
!   strcpy (&temp[1], cmd);
!   level = what_section (temp);
!   free (temp);
!   level -= 2;
!   if (level < 0)
!     level = 0;
!   if (html)
!     sectioning_html (level, cmd);
!   else
!     {
!       character = scoring_characters[level];
!       insert_and_underscore (level, character, cmd);
!         }
! /* insert_and_underscore and sectioning_html are the
!    only functions which call this.
!    I have created this, because it was exactly the same
!    code in both functions. */
  static char *
  handle_enum_increment (level, index)
       int level;
--- 269,294 ----
        flush_output ();
        xml_last_section_output_position = output_paragraph_offset;
!       xml_insert_element (xml_element (secname), START);
        xml_insert_element (TITLE, START);
!       xml_open_section (level, secname);
        get_rest_of_line (0, &temp);
        execute_string ("%s\n", temp);
        free (temp);
        xml_insert_element (TITLE, END);
+   else if (html)
+     sectioning_html (level, secname);
!       char character = scoring_characters[level];
!       insert_and_underscore (level, character, secname);
! /* insert_and_underscore and sectioning_html call this.  */
  static char *
  handle_enum_increment (level, index)
       int level;
*** 419,428 ****
    old_no_indent = no_indent;
    no_indent = 1;
!   /* level 0 (chapter) is <h2>, everything else is <h3>.  We don't want
!      to go lower than that because browsers then start rendering the
!      headings smaller than the text.  */
!   add_word_args ("<h%d class=\"%s\">", MIN (3, level + 2), cmd);
    /* If we are outside of any node, produce an anchor that
       the TOC could refer to.  */
--- 433,440 ----
    old_no_indent = no_indent;
    no_indent = 1;
!   /* level 0 (chapter) is <h2>, and we go down from there.  */
!   add_word_args ("<h%d class=\"%s\">", level + 2, cmd);
    /* If we are outside of any node, produce an anchor that
       the TOC could refer to.  */
*** 483,489 ****
    if (outstanding_node)
      outstanding_node = 0;
!   add_word_args ("</h%d>", MIN (3, level + 2));
    filling_enabled = 1;
    no_indent = old_no_indent;
--- 495,501 ----
    if (outstanding_node)
      outstanding_node = 0;
!   add_word_args ("</h%d>", level + 2);
    filling_enabled = 1;
    no_indent = old_no_indent;
*** 584,590 ****
              if (input_text_offset < input_text_length)
!             this_section = what_section (input_text + input_text_offset);
              /* If we found a sectioning command, then give the top section
                 a level of this section - 1. */
--- 596,603 ----
              if (input_text_offset < input_text_length)
!             this_section = what_section (input_text + input_text_offset,
!                                          NULL);
              /* If we found a sectioning command, then give the top section
                 a level of this section - 1. */
*** node.c      1 May 2003 00:30:07 -0000       1.12
--- node.c      25 Jul 2003 00:03:02 -0000      1.13
*** 633,639 ****
    /* Check for defaulting of this node's next, prev, and up fields. */
    defaulting = (*next == 0 && *prev == 0 && *up == 0);
!   this_section = what_section (input_text + input_text_offset);
    /* If we are defaulting, then look at the immediately following
       sectioning command (error if none) to determine the node's
--- 633,639 ----
    /* Check for defaulting of this node's next, prev, and up fields. */
    defaulting = (*next == 0 && *prev == 0 && *up == 0);
!   this_section = what_section (input_text + input_text_offset, NULL);
    /* If we are defaulting, then look at the immediately following
       sectioning command (error if none) to determine the node's

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