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Re: Bug in Info reader 4.7, FIXED?

From: DervishD
Subject: Re: Bug in Info reader 4.7, FIXED?
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2004 16:20:37 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/

    Hi Karl and Stepan :)

 * Karl Berry <address@hidden> dixit:
> Any debugging would be appreciated :).

 * Stepan Kasal <address@hidden> dixit:
> >     Well, since you have not been able to reproduce the problem it
> > must be my fault.
> no, I think it could be a bug in info, eg. an uninitialized variable.
> But it may as well be a bug in your make.info* files.

    Finally it was my fault (well, more or less). I'll explain, just
in case someone reports the same problem in the future. I was gdb'ing
info to find the problem, and in the firts step-to-step debugging I
saw a message saying that my infokey file was out of date. Well, I
updated it and continued the debugging, and the problem dissapeared!

    The problem seemed to be a weird interaction between my outdated
~/.info, my /usr/info/dir file and the typeahead buffer of info (if
any). Don't know why the problem dissapeared when changing my dir
file, although I understand that the problem may have been caused by
mi wrong ~/.info file. It seems that using that dir file (which I
sent you) together with the make.info and ~/.info combination, some
ghost 'line down' keystrokes were processed by info :?
> Because the bug is hard to reproduce, it can probably be caught
> only on your machine.  Perhaps it's not worth the huge effort,
> though, and we should let it be.

    A problem like this is *very* hard to isolate, and since it is
totally harmless, I think is better than the user investigate the
problem instead of the developer. Sorry for not being of much help,
the problem was caused by my outdated ~/.info file but I don't know
the exact mechanism that caused the ghost strokes :(

    Thanks a lot for your interest, and of course, for texinfo ;))

    Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Linux Registered User 88736
http://www.pleyades.net & http://raul.pleyades.net/

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