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Re: Texinfo -> HTML issues

From: Patrice Dumas
Subject: Re: Texinfo -> HTML issues
Date: Sun, 8 Aug 2004 02:59:20 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.4.2i

>  "/" ==> ".slash."
>  ":" ==> ".colon."
>  "@" ==> ""

This kind of scheme is not impossible. `.' isn't a good idea in file names or 
xml identifiers. It would be better and more consistent with the current 
scheme like
 "/" ==> "_slash_"
 ":" ==> "_colon_"
 "@" ==> "_atsign_"

It should be taken care that the 4 first letters of the word cannot be 
in a hexadecimal (ie not all small a-f).

Notice that this kind of scheme impose to have a symbol to word mapping 
instead of a symbol to ascii number mapping. And the symbol to word isn't
more intuituous in my opinion.


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