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Re: Texinfo -> HTML issues

From: Karl Berry
Subject: Re: Texinfo -> HTML issues
Date: Sun, 8 Aug 2004 20:26:37 -0400

About the HTML navigation bar.

    Having the names of the next and previous nodes in the navigation bar
    is useful, but the frequent shifting of the navigation buttons because
    of different name lengths makes it difficult to skim through pages

I agree.  I've been annoyed by that also.

    A way to stabilize the bar would be to use TABLE with width=100%:

      <TABLE WIDTH="100%">
      <TR><TH><a name="Commutative-Rings"></a>Next:&nbsp;<a rel="next" 
accesskey="n" href="Matrix-Algebra.html#Matrix-Algebra">Matrix Algebra</a>,
      <TH>Previous:&nbsp;<a rel="previous" accesskey="p" 
      <TH>Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" 

Sounds good to me.  (Alper, I don't have the aversion to using tables
for layout that you do.  Sorry.  Just one of the many things promulgated
by the W3C that I find incomprehensible.)

    When I am reading through documentation, then a "next" button at the
    bottom would save me the effort of uppaging to the top in order to
    advance to the next page.

Repeating the navbar at the bottom also sounds ok to me.

Alper, would you like to implement those things?

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