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Re: info -f does not ignore ./

From: Karl Berry
Subject: Re: info -f does not ignore ./
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2005 10:18:26 -0500

    So I stand by the claim that 'info' is the only program to treat a pathname
    'dir/foo' differently from './dir/foo', and that is confusing for the user.

TeX does, not that I think that is especially relevant.  I haven't
checked gs and other programs that look in search paths, instead of just
in single directories; it wouldn't surprise me if they obey search paths.

    Are people actually using subdirectories of elements of INFOPATH?


    would mean that you could fix 3) without causing trouble to the users.

I moved . to the beginning of DEFAULT_INFOPATH in info/filesys.h.
Now info -f subdir/somefile finds ./subdir/somefile.info ok.
(In current Texinfo CVS.)

info -f somefile still looks for somefile in the dir file though, in
preference to finding ./somefile :(.  Maybe someday ...


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