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Re: texi2dvi: A more pleasant way to compile

From: Akim Demaille
Subject: Re: texi2dvi: A more pleasant way to compile
Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 08:40:13 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1007 (Gnus v5.10.7) Emacs/21.4 (gnu/linux)

>>> "Karl" == Karl Berry <address@hidden> writes:

 >     Let all the compilations happen in a local directory.  
 > I've tried it out on the texinfo/doc files and didn't have any
 > problems.  Cool.

 > One question, though -- do we really want to create the (sort of) temp
 > working dir in a subdir of the current directory, instead of in TMPDIR?

If you want tmpdir, --clean is what you want.  Unless you mean in
tmpdir but preserved bw calls?  Hm...  That's a bit weird, but why
not, indeed.

 > That will be noticeable to people.  *.t2d will have to be added to
 > .cvsignore files, etc.

Sure.  And to Makefiles too.  But this time its once for all.

 > On the other hand, I guess that using TMPDIR would mean the
 > possibility of conflicts if a document by the same name is run by
 > two different people, etc.

 > Hmm.

We can try to have something like


but then again, what if I have several checkouts of these guys?

   /tmp/texi2dvi.akim/$(m5d of the pwd for autoconf)/pdf/...
                     /$(m5d of the pwd for texinfo)/pdf/...


But that would be an additional behavior: AFAIC I really want to
preserve these guys in the builddir, just like regular .o etc.

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