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got segfault reading the latex-doc

From: jakob
Subject: got segfault reading the latex-doc
Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2005 17:48:02 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.9i


i get a segfault using 

$ info latex2e

and then browsing to 

and then using backspace to get to the previous page.
the previous page (page A) has the headline 
File: latex.info,  Node: Math Miscellany,  Prev: Spacing in Math Mode,  Up: 
Math Formulae

the current page (page B) would be 
File: latex.info,  Node: Modes,  Next: Page Styles,  Prev: Math Formulae,  Up: 

now again:
from page A to page B using spacebar works
from page B to page A using backspace produces the following line
(before the program termination):

Bewege zum letzten Menüeintrag von ,,voriges" (Prev).Speicherzugriffsfehler

-> which is bad german, and could be translated to bad english as

moving to last menueentry of "previous" (Prev).Segfault

now i have 
$ info --version
info (GNU texinfo) 4.7

which browses the 4 files in the appendix.
the particular problem seems to be in the file latex.info-2.gz 

my OS is Debian 3.1, 
the two concerned packages are 
info  4.7-7.2
tetex-bin 2.0.2-30

viel glück

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