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Re: New encodings in makeinfo

From: Karl Berry
Subject: Re: New encodings in makeinfo
Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 12:18:33 -0600

    00D8: O better than OE
    00F8: o better than oe

This seems wrong to me.  Is OE different than AE?  One would never write
"Asop's Fables".

    00C5: A better than AA 
    00E5: a better than aa

I feel like I've seen AA and aa an awful lot, but maybe just as TeX
control sequences :).

    Please tell if you have an argument
    against or for a given transliteration,

There are a number which translate a letter to all uppercase, as in:
00DE Th -> TH                (THORN)

Although "TH" might be a better translation of the individual letter
Thorn when used by itself, I surmise that "TH" would be really wrong
when used at the beginning of an actual word, as in "THorn" (I don't
know a real word :).  So the mixed-case mappings seem preferable to me.

I have no particular comment on the others, not having delved deeply
into this ...


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