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"--" and "---" in @include paths

From: Daniel Richard G.
Subject: "--" and "---" in @include paths
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 01:50:00 -0500

I would like to bring to the attention of this list a Texinfo-related bug 
recently filed in the GCC bugzilla, at


In a nutshell:

* We have e.g. /tmp/foo--bar/inc.texi

* We have an input file doc.texi like

        @set srcdir /tmp/foo--bar
        @include @value{srcdir}/inc.texi

* makeinfo(1) returns the error

    doc.texi:2: @include `/tmp/foo-bar/inc.texi': No such file or directory.

  with a hyphen erroneously dropped from the include-file path.

This problem can be worked around (at least for plain .info output) by 
using e.g.

        @set srcdir @verb{|/tmp/foo--bar|}

and I proposed a patch against GCC's build system to this effect, but one 
of the maintainers holds that the problem is on the Texinfo side---that 
en/em-dash processing should not be applied to the argument of @include.

Which of the two projects needs the fix?


NAME   = Daniel Richard G.       ##  Remember, skunks       _\|/_  meef?
EMAIL1 = address@hidden        ##  don't smell bad---    (/o|o\) /
EMAIL2 = address@hidden      ##  it's the people who   < (^),>
WWW    = http://www.******.org/  ##  annoy them that do!    /   \
(****** = site not yet online)

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