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Re: Simple documents and DocBook output

From: Patrice Dumas
Subject: Re: Simple documents and DocBook output
Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2008 20:13:12 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.18 (2008-05-17)

On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 06:46:32PM +0000, Noah Slater wrote:
> Any reason? This is something I intend to do using shell scripts, so we have:
>   texi2html --docbook --docbook-root=article doc.texi
> Or the alternative:
>   TEXI_DOCBOOK_ROOT=article texi2html --docbook doc.texi
> Obviously, functionally equivalent, but this is not how I am used to 
> environment
> variables working. It has been my experience that environment variables are
> things that you can use to set values that will work across your entire
> session. I'm not so sure why the DocBook root of a Texinfo transformation 
> would
> be something that you might want to set up per-session like this.

I was not referring to environment variables (and you couldn't
have known since I didn't told you). I am referring to variables 
in init file. So you would have an init file, named, for example


and within (texi2html init files are perl files):


and you would call something along

texi2html --init-file docbook.init --init-file my_docbook.init

> Another quick question, why is it not called `texi2docbook` or similar?

It is an historical reason, at first it did only html. Some more
output formats and it could be called texi2any ;-).


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