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Re: HP-UX 11 build issues with texinfo 5.0

From: Richard Lloyd
Subject: Re: HP-UX 11 build issues with texinfo 5.0
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2013 15:56:41 +0000 (GMT)

Here's some answers to the questions raised by my HP-UX 11 issues with
texinfo 5.0:

* The compiler I'm using is HP's optional ANSI C (located as /opt/ansic/bin/cc)
  with a revision number of B.11.11.20 (PA-RISC) or A.06.26 (Itanium).
  The __HP_cc macro therefore returns 111120 (PA-RISC) or 62600 (Itanium). 

* If I omit the gnulib/lib/xalloc.h change I suggested, I get this sort of
  error message when compiling/linking makedoc:

cc  -O -I/usr/local/include  -Wl,+b -Wl,/usr/local/lib/hpux32 
-L/usr/local/lib/hpux32 -o makedoc makedoc.o ../gnulib/lib/libgnu.a -lncurses 
/usr/local/lib/hpux32/libintl.so /usr/local/lib/hpux32/libiconv.so -Wl,+b 
ld: Duplicate symbol "xnmalloc" in files makedoc.o and 
ld: Duplicate symbol "xnrealloc" in files makedoc.o and 
ld: Duplicate symbol "xcharalloc" in files makedoc.o and 
ld: Duplicate symbol "xnmalloc" in files makedoc.o and 
ld: Duplicate symbol "xnrealloc" in files makedoc.o and 
ld: Duplicate symbol "xcharalloc" in files makedoc.o and 
6 errors.

   This is because the functions have been declared globally in more than
   one source file and it's why I suggested static compilation of the
   function instead.

* HP-UX 11's diff doesn't support -u, but does support -c if you wanted to
  include that flag instead of -u. I've attached a patch showing the removal
  of GNU diff-only flags from various test scripts.

Richard K. Lloyd,           E-mail: address@hidden
Connect Internet Solutions,    WWW: http://www.connectinternetsolutions.com/
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Attachment: diff_patch.txt
Description: diff output text

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