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Re: Inconsistent documentation of h and H commands in Info

From: Karl Berry
Subject: Re: Inconsistent documentation of h and H commands in Info
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 00:49:35 GMT

    typing h in Info brings up a summary of key bindings. On the
    other hand typing H brings up the Info tutorial.

Thanks for the report.

I see I made that change back in 2008, at a suggestion from Benno.
(mail of 04 Jan 2008 23:20:46), apparently without realizing (or maybe
just ignoring :) the implications at the time.

The issue is that info.texi is maintained as part of Emacs, and h in
Emacs Info has always brought up the tutorial.  I don't think changing
that at this late date would fly.  Nor is maintaining a different
info.texi for standalone Info desirable, to say the least.

So I think the least-bad option is to change the standalone Info key
bindings again, reversing h and H (and changing the standalone Info
documentation).  And propose to Emacs that H in info-mode be bound to
describe-mode, which is similar to the list of keybindings.


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